Coach’s Corner

Coaches blog

Hey all goalie parents,
This message goes directly out to all of our ACES goalie parents.  You my friends, are a special breed.  No matter what the other parents say, you are the caretakers to the most important people on the ice.  Your goalies themselves are also a very special breed. Our goal at the ACES organization is to turn all of your children into goalies for life.  Whether it be playing the position or coaching the position, we want them to embrace all aspects of goaltending.  In this blog I’d like to give you all a few things that will help make it easy for your kids to fall in love with arguably the greatest position in all of sports.
    1.     First and foremost, make sure that your goalie is properly protected and fitted with his or her equipment.  I know it’s not easy to shell out hundreds and thousands of dollars on new gear.  A huge misconception is to try to stretch your dollar and buy equipment that is too large to get multiple seasons out of it.  This will create a very difficult situation for your goalie.  Lugging leg pads that are oversized around the crease is no easy task for anyone let alone an undersized and undeveloped youngster.  A mite in an intermediate sized glove will do nothing for their future.  They will have trouble keeping it on their hand and closing it.  They will get discouraged and eventually frustrated to the point of pure madness.  As a goalie dad myself, I made mistakes like this in the past.  When I finally realized it’s ok for my child to wear hand me down gear that may not have matched our sick unis but they fit him perfectly is when my son took off as an athlete.  A really good resource for used equipment is Sideline Swap.  Do yourself a favor and download this app.  You can find all sorts of equipment from all over the country.  The best part about this app is that most sellers are open to offers on equipment.  Also, keep in mind that it is more important to have your little one in a great mask as opposed to the brand new shiny Warrior stick.  Remember safety is the most important choice when it comes to outfitting your goalie.
    2.     As I mentioned in my last message, get involved with your goalie.  A great way to bond with them is to play a simple game of catch in the front yard.  This will help with hand eye coordination and athleticism.  Take this a step further and have your child wear their catch glove and use a puck instead of a ball.  Visually tracking that little, flat piece of rubber is no easy task.  This exercise will give them a great opportunity to “play goalie” in the comfort of their homes.
    3.    Become a “goalie nerd”.  There are so many great resources for this.  YouTube is loaded with on and off ice exercises.  Many of which can be practiced at home.  Another great resource is the InGoal website and podcast.  Their website has a ton of information.  Most of which I use on a daily basis.  Their podcast is hosted by goalie dads and is so informative for parents of mites all the way up to professional ranks.
    4.    Lastly, and probably the most important is to keep things POSITIVE.  If your goalie has a rough outing, focus on the good as opposed to the bad.  Most times that huge glove save, or breakaway save will outshine the 3 or 4 stinkers that went in.  Your child wants to make you happy.  Do your best to bite your tongue and not bring up the negatives.
Thank you so much for reading and enjoy your summer!!!!!
Marciano Chinappi
Any questions, let me know
Coach Chinappi

It takes a village to run a well organized hockey team. You need a strong organization with principals and a clear vision. Committed coaches, players and parents all on the same page. Our vision for the Aces Education Blog is to provide content on a wide variety of topics to share our vision and resources to everyone involved in this great organization. We want our staff, parents and players to have the best youth hockey experience possible.

We want to use this section as a resource to share the Aces vision and philosophies. We plan on providing you with video resources on drills, skill break downs, systems and tactics education you can utilize throughout the season. We want to provide you with off-ice topics, nutrition information and culture building content to create a well rounded team.

We believe providing coaching education is essential to reaching our long term goals. Giving our staff resources increases the implementation of developmentally appropriate practices. It takes some of the stress out of planning and creating practices so the coaches can focus solely on the development of their teams.
Youth athletics teaches so much more than just the sport itself. This blog will be a place to get resources on not only hockey related skills but character and content building skills.


Coach Rice



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